2016年2月22日 0時51分

Hello, I am sorry to use Alphabet to write this email. Your request on traveloco is quite curious to me and hopefully I want to help you. In the middle of march, I am not in Germany because of my work (unfortunately), but can help to collect some informations about the innovation ecosystem in Germany. Of course I can read in German and translate into Japanese. Now I am doing MA in Berlin and in the future I want to work as a research/design consultant in academic field, so this kind of task is quite helpful for me to progress my experience. Please give me some specific or detailed informations what you exactly need for your research. I think that the word "innovation-eco system" is quite wide, so I want to precisely search for what you need. I work for this as a voluntary work. Please consider about your advantages and if you need, let me know. Thank you very much
2016年2月23日 0時0分
