- 居住地:
- New York City
- 現地在住歴:
- 1983 4月
- 基本属性:
- 女性/50代
- 使える言語:
- 英語
- 職業・所属:
- 自由業
- 得意分野:
- Finance, College Admission, Life in New York in general
I've been living in New York since 1983, graduated from a college with BA in Finance. Currently I am a mother of three children, ranging from 14 to 19 years old. I can assist you in many ways, from answering questions that you may have to actually provide you with guide services. I may as well assist you to improve your English conversational skills while you are in Japan or traveling here. Let me know!
- あなたの趣味は何ですか?
- あなたの特技は何ですか?
Tennis coaching
- 好きな映画はありますか?また最近見た映画でお勧めは?
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- 好きな本は何ですか?また最近読んだ本でお勧めは?
Barbara Park
- 好きな音楽は何ですか?また最近聴いた音楽でお勧めは?
- 好きなスポーツは何ですか?応援しているチームや選手は?
every spots
- 現在住んでいる都市以外で海外居住経験はありますか?
- 出身地や出身校、子供時代のことなどを教えてください。
I have the highest respect with my parents who've raised me with trust and love. As I was growing up in Japan in 70s , I was very fortunate to have such parents who supported me to come to the U.S. for education and further.
- あなたの街(お住まいの都市)の魅力を教えてください。
New York city is a special place where everyone can feel so at home.
- その他、メッセージがあればどうぞ。
Speaking your mind, respecting others, and enjoy your life.
traveling, Hiking