- 居住地:
- Toronto, Canada
- 現地在住歴:
- from 01/10, 2017
- 基本属性:
- 女性/20代
- 使える言語:
- Japanese、English、Mandarin
- 職業・所属:
- Toyama Prefectural University
Hello everyone, I'm Tomoyo from Toyama. I came here to immerse myself to Canadian culture and then study English. I supposed to study my major in my university but I really wanna come Canada on working holiday visa so took a year off.
I'm going to stay till this October.
Now I'm working at Tim Horton's near by beaches area. I've been to The Philippines and LA before.
I would love to make friends in Canada. Honestly I didn't have money to go language school and then really don't have friends in Toronto.
After leaving Canada, I really love to transfer European university. Btw, my major is Computer science..
I really like to meet new people and join events so feel free to send a message to me!